How you can become a Master Coach

All coaches and teachers use a variety of tools, techniques, and methods in an attempt to help their athletes and students. There are a few methods that can be mastered which will make you that much more effective in your efforts as a teacher and coach. Taking from the excellent book Mastering Coaching by Max Landsberg, here are a few practical insights for developing high performance.

Next Level Visualization

Neuroscience has offered us tremendous insights into the process of personal change. Studies in this field have established that visualizing yourself engaging in an activity sparks the same part of the brain that becomes alert when you physically perform that activity. Visualization reduces anxiety; helps obtain specific objectives and establish desirable goals. Consider the PETTLEP approach:

-         “Physical” – while visualizing, wear the clothing you’d wear while performing the task. Make the physical movements while you visualize too

-         “Environment” – see the place in your “mind’s eye” where the activity will take place

-         “Task” – Picture the task in its entirety. For example, picture every minute of the race or speech

-         “Timing” – Envision the act in the speed at which it will occur

-         “Learning” – As skills improve incorporate them into your visualization

-         “Emotion” – Feel the emotions of the visualized act

-         “Perspective” – How will you be perceived by the audience, teammates, classmates, coach

Practice Positive Psychology

Encourage those you teach and coach to adopt an upbeat attitude and become happier. Reduce the pressure and stress associated with the task. Go through the check list:

-         “Positivity” – Encourage optimistic emotions such as joy, affection and thankfulness

-         “Engagement” – Focus on fully immersing yourself in the moment

-         “Relationship” – Develop close ties with others to boost a positive state of mind

-         “Vision” – Find the larger purpose in all you do

-         “Accomplishment” – Set and achieve goals to build confidence and momentum  

How We Learn

People learn more through experience than through instruction - “Learn by doing.” The Center for Creative Leadership outlined the 70/20/10 ration of learning: People accomplish 70% of their learning through “self-directed, on the job development.” 20% is a coach or mentor who is of influence. The remaining 10% derives from formal instruction, like classroom work.

Motivating this Generation

Give this group (Generation Y- 1980-2000) opportunities to expand their knowledge and capabilities. Provide regular, positive feedback, and enable them to network, collaborate, and join team activities. For further information on how to Motivate this Generation CLICK HERE.


How will you become a Master in your Coaching and Teaching?

What section of this post is most meaningful to you now as a Leader? 

JT Ayers