Empathy and the dangers of Sympathy

What is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering? Empathy is feeling with People. It is a deep connection. It is something that most wish to be and yet none rarely practice. It sees life with a different lens. It is walking in someone else's shoes for a while.  Yet, it is often confused with Sympathy. Click for more...

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JT Ayers
7 Important Things Leaders Need to Say

I constantly need a reminder of how important my role as a leader is. The words I choose to use have great power and can lift someone up or tear someone down in just one sentence. The list below is a list of phrases that every leader needs to remind themselves to say often to those they lead.

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JT Ayers
When You work for someone that is not a leader

The question is usually how they can continue to be where they don’t support the vision and direction of their boss. They want my advice on how to responding during this season.

This situation is obviously not unique and happens frequently in all organizations. I don’t believe all hope is lost during times like this. An individual can continue to grow even with a leader he or she cannot respect — sometimes even more.

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JT Ayers
Why You Should Stop Answering Your Critics.

When a person comes to you and tells you that you are wrong, shares his point of view, or criticizes something that you have done, you don’t necessarily need to dialogue or debate. Often, a person just needs to be heard. In fact, I have found that this principle applies more often than not.

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JT Ayers
How to Lead Your Elders

I can tell you, from experience, that your leadership will be better if you learn how to lead people older — and wiser — than you are today. Don’t be afraid to recruit them.

Here are 7 tips for leading people older than you:

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JT Ayers
The Essence of Excellent Leadership

Every major and significant thing you do as a leader will fall into one of these three areas. Leading is not hard to understand. It is quite simple and uncomplicated--at least I think it is easy to understand; but it will take you a lifetime to learn how to do it well. If God has called and gifted you to lead, you can do it, and do it well, with His help!

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JT Ayers
How to Attract Young Leaders to Your Organization

Let’s face it- young leaders are the future of your organization. Whether you like it or not, they will soon take over and be running the show. Your show. My show. If you aren’t attracting young talent, then the days are numbered for your influence and the legacy of your organization.

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JT Ayers
Four Qualities of People who Change the World

Jobs are boring dead things that suck the life out of you, but a person with a mission has found a new lens for life.

The greater the thing you live for the richer life becomes.

Noble mission always answers one simple question. How can I serve?

The most beautiful people are on a mission to serve.

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JT Ayers
7 Warning Signs You Might Be a Controlling Leader

The odd thing I find is that many controlling leaders never really know they are one. They may actually even believe they are being good leaders — making sure things go well for the organization.

So, maybe if you’re reading this, you are still wondering if you might be a controlling leader. Or, if you work for one.

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JT Ayers
Bold: How to go Big!

Leaders must understand the world in which they lead. Foreseeing the world that is to come, with all the available technology at anyones fingertips, leadership will change. Highlighting a remarkable book I will attempt to give you insight into the world that is to come...

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JT Ayers